application which will allow you to generate sample sheets for all of your
@Font Dump II
will adjust itself to various printer drivers so that the printout will occupy the full width of the page, while printers with less than 80DPI capability will not lose the image off the righthand edge of the paper.
On the printout you will find (1) the font name and point size written in the
@BSW 9
font, (2) the same name and point size information written with the sampled font, and (3) the entire font starting from ASCII 32 (space) to ASCII 126 (tilde).
When each font has been printed, the page will scroll up approximately two card rows. There is no form feed (
) until you exit the application to the
@GEOS deskTop
Keep this fact in mind, since there is no perforation skip with fanfold paper.
While there is no onscreen indication of this, you may abort the current font sample print by holding the mouse button down as it is being printed.
@Font Dump II
will scan all active drives for the default printer driver, so it need not be on the same disk as
@Font Dump II
was booted from.
Three drive access is supported for REU-equipped systems.
@Font Dump II
does not live well with the BSworks Paint Drivers. The results, if the Paint Drivers are tried, will be unpredictable.